Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Extra credit Blog-between 1 and 5 points possible

Name:  ______________ ______________

Class:  _____________________________

Type of Blog:  _______________________

Description of Blog:


Number of links in blog:  __________

Why did you choose this blog:

Number of words/pictures in blog or pictures:

Points you hope to earn (circle one):  1  2  3  4  5




Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rules for Blog posts and Extra Credit opportunities-EXCITING

Below are some guidelines I have established that go along with the rubric.  You should be aware of these.  I also discuss extra credit opportunities for blogs.

So from time to time in class you may feel like doing a blog on anything.  I am willing to give you some extra credit for your own personal blogs (as we will discuss in class).  You might wonder what are some blogs you can do to receive this extra credit.  Look at the examples below and the guidelines that expected to be met if you want your blog to be eligible for extra credit.

Passion blogs:  What is something you are passionate about?  Football, working out, food, politics, history, more history, government, etc.  Find something you love or hate and share your passion.

class-related responses:  Respond to something we are reading/discussing in class.  Respond meaning to present a high level of understanding, opinion on, and any/all confusion others might have on the topic-must be very analytical/high level thinking, and it probably should include reading an article or external source and links.

Outside response:   Responding to a text of your choice.  Texts may be TV shows, films, blog posts, news broadcasts, videos, books, etc.  A response will include upper level thoughts (confusion, compare contrast, analyzing) , feelings (happy/sad/angry), interests, and links.

Interdisciplinary Response:  Write a post on something you learned/learning in another class.  Science labs, concepts in math, writings in English, poems in English, articles, amendments in Government, etc. are examples you might use. 

Current Event posts-Write a post about a current events topic.  Explain the event in great detail and share your thoughts about it.

Vlog:  Video Blog-Presenting your idea orally instead of in writing.  You must embed your video in your blog-no links.

Wordless Blog-Use only multimedia content (photographs, gifs, vines, etc.)  No URL's.  Images and videos need to be embedded so the reader can see them while scrolling.

How to blog-self explanatory

Free choice-keep it school appropriate

Should be between 400-600 words (except wordless posts obviously) for the most part.  Short paragraphs are preferable because they are easier for the reader to understand, read, and follow along.

Single space
Double space between paragraphs
Don't indent paragraphs

Links/images-all posts should have at least one
Do not copy/paste URLs into text of post.  Create hyperlinks in posts that are a contrasting color from text of main body.

This is the chance to write your post in your own style.  Be witty, clever, serious or whatever.  If you take a side on an argument-support it. 

Debate the idea, not the individual.  Contribute to the discussion.

Cite everything with links to the source.  Do not use URL's.

Think before you post!

Statistics, use of clever pictures, and quotations can be very effective.